Improving oneself involves a process of moving from denial, through confusion, to affirmation. It’s like breaking free from the gravity of one planet, drifting in space, and landing on another. By negating old patterns, you remind yourself not to repeat the same mistakes. In the confusion, you explore new paths, and once you grasp that new sense of direction, you reinforce it until you become a new version of yourself.
If you’re still stuck in the stage of denial, it’s time for self-reflection, as this means you haven’t truly embarked on the journey yet. Denial damages self-confidence and is part of the “breaking down” phase before rebuilding. One cannot become a better self through self-denial alone; only self-recognition can ultimately lead to becoming a better version of yourself.
The journey is full of struggle and hardship. Ahead lies scenery you’ve never seen before, but is there a reason deep in your heart to set sail?